Before you can select and transmit a basket order, you must create and save the basket file.
- On the Tools menu, select BasketTrader, or click the Basket icon on the trading toolbar.
- In the Basket File field, use the drop-down list to select a basket, or click the Browse button to find a basket file that doesn't appear in the list. 使用指数交易者面板创建基于某个指数或指数的一部分的篮子。
- 按需要修改乘数。这个数值乘以篮子中的每个定单的数量。
- Click Load to populate the Orders tab with the orders in the basket.
- Modify order parameters if necessary, and click Transmit in the Execute Basket panel to transmit the entire basket order. 你可以通过定单标签中的市场数据行和点击状态区域中的“T” 来发送篮子中的单个定单。
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