Auto-Synchronized Watchlist Library

The new Watchlist Library provides effortless synchronization of your Watchlists across all platforms, ensuring you get the latest version whether you're logging into mobile, desktop, or Client Portal. There is no need to decide which lists to import or sync, as all of your lists are always available no matter where you are. And we've made it easier than ever for you to get started by offering a library of Watchlists to jump-start your trading. In cases where you've added a product on desktop that isn't yet supported on mobile or Client Portal, it's preserved and displayed correctly in all versions.

Watchlist Library

Use Algos to Close Multiple Positions

When you elect to close all or a portion of positions on multiple assets with either a Limit or Market order, you can now use an algo to manage the close-position orders.

Use algos to close positions

Elect to close multiple positions by selecting positions from your portfolio and using the right-click menu to select Trade, then the percentage of positions to close.

In the Close Positions dialog, complete the fields for closing orders, and choose either LMT or MKT order to enable algos. The context-sensitive Algorithm section presents available algo strategies based on asset type and, when relevant, on the specific instrument. Use the Destination drop-down to choose an algo destination, then use the Algorithm drop-down to choose a specific algo strategy. Complete the order by specifying required values for the chosen algo.

Snapshot Single-Use Market Data

Clients can benefit from lower market data costs by paying only for the quotes they need with Snapshot Market Data requests. These single-use requests provide a real-time quote for a specific product, offering a more cost-effective way for clients to understand where the market is at the time of trade without paying for monthly streaming data subscriptions.

Single-use Snapshot Quotes are automatically enabled; there is no need for any special subscription or sign-up. Clients who don't have a streaming data subscription will see the Snapshot button in Mosaic Order Entry panel when the feature is available (and in the Ticker Action column in Classic Layout). Simply click "Snapshot" to get a live quote that remains visible until you close the window or move to another product. Get an updated quote by clicking Refresh (note that refreshing a quote constitutes another single request for data).

Tracking and Cost
Snapshot requests are calculated monthly. and the counter is reset each new calendar month. US equities are USD 0.01 (or the equivalent) per quote; all other quotes are USD 0.03 (or the equivalent). All clients receive a USD 3.00 waiver for the first two months, and a USD 1.00 waiver for all subsequent months. If you decide to subscribe to streaming market data at any point, you will only be charged for that month's streaming data subscription and not for any prior snapshot requests.

To learn more see the FAQs.

Implied Volatility and Futures Term Structure Updates

We recently switched to an improved calibration logic for the bid/ask implied volatility calculation, and to an improved calibrated IV in the 3D Volatility Surface web tool.

We've added several updates to the Futures Term Structure tool:

  • We have added the "Today Last Price" series in the term structure plot. This displayed by default. We also now offer the "Today Mark Price" series which is not shown by default but can be selected. Note that historical series are always based on the close price.
  • We have added the underlying/index price (when available) as the first node in the series. Optionally, you can also add values markers at the underlying/index price (when available) by selecting "Underlying" in the right-click context menu.
  • Now choose to display Price Change or Percentage Price Change (or "return") in the lower section of the window. Use the Config panel from the gear icon to choose.
  • We have also added incremental "differences" mode to the difference plot that let's you show both the "difference with respect to 'Last' series" and now "difference with respect to preceding series'.

We have also made minor UI improvements to the IB Risk Navigator display.

The risk of loss in online trading of stocks, options, futures, currencies, foreign equities, and fixed income can be substantial. Options are not suitable for all investors. For more information, read the "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options".

Your capital is at risk and your losses may exceed the value of your original investment.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA Reference Number 208159.

Cryptoassets are unregulated in the UK. Interactive Brokers (U.K) Limited ("IBUK") is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority as a cryptoassets firm under the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017.

Interactive Brokers LLC is regulated by the US SEC and CFTC and is a member of the SIPC ( compensation scheme;
products are only covered by the UK FSCS in limited circumstances.

Before trading, clients must read the relevant risk disclosure statements on our Warnings and Disclosures page.

For a list of IBG memberships worldwide, see our exchange listings.