Use the Lock and Exit configuration page to define auto lock and exit options such as whether or not you want a confirmation message before the application closes.
To define exit configuration settings
On the Edit menu select Global Configuration.
Click Lock and Exit in the left pane.
Use the right panel to set these parameters:
Lock Trader Workstation
Lock Trader Workstation after ___ minutes of inactivity - locks your workstation if no activity has occurred for a defined number of minutes. Once locked, you must unlock the application using your TWS password.
Never lock Trader Workstation - check to remove auto-locking mechanism. Note that you can manually lock the workstation at any time by selecting Lock Application from the File menu.
Exit Options
Warn on exit with position - check to display a warning message when you exit that lets you know you are holding positions, and verifies that you still want to exit.
Prompt when exiting - check to have TWS display a confirmation message "Are you sure you want to exit?" before shutting down the application.
Auto save settings - check to have any changes to your settings, including the addition of new tickers or Quote pages, automatically saved.
Use/Store settings on server - check to save the latest settings to the IB server, and to download the latest settings from the IBserver on login. Checking this feature ensures that TWS will always have the same content when you log in regardless of the machine you are using.
Save watchlists to cloud - check to save your TWS watchlists to the cloud. These watchlists can then be imported into mobileTWS using the "Import" feature in mobileTWS configuration.
Auto Logoff Timer
Set Auto Log Off Time - specify a time of day for TWS to automatically log off. You must specify a time.