Use the Orders page to define general, global default settings.
To define General order configuration settings
On the Edit menu select Global Configuration.
Click Orders in the left pane.
Use the Orders page to set the following parameters:
Auto-save default size- when checked, any change you make to the quantity of an order is saved as the default size for that instrument type, after the order is transmitted.
Big Scale prices - when checked, the increment used in the price wand is increased. The price wand presents a selection of prices above and below the order price, and is invoked when you click and hold the cursor in the Price field on an order line.
Big scale sizes - when checked, the increment used in the size wand is increased. The size wand presents a selection of quantities higher and lower than the order size, and is invoked when you click and hold the cursor in the Quantity field on an order line.
Auto-sort submitted orders - this feature is checked by default. When unchecked, orders created on the same underlying are no longer sorted by limit price.
Auto-adjust limit price for STP LMT and LIT orders - if checked, the limit price in stop limit and limit if touched orders will automatically be adjusted when you modify the stop price. The limit price adjusts based on the offset amount you define when you create the order.
Round shares to nearest 100 when entering amount in “Quantity Value” column - if checked, the system will round the order quantity to the nearest 100 shares.
Display pending day and GTC orders on separate pages - if checked, pending orders will be separated by GTC and DAY times in force to display on different pages.
Continuously update limit price for EFP orders in percent yield - if checked, TWS will continuously update the limit price for EFP orders where the price is entered in "percent yield." To enter price in percent yield, right-click on price column header and select Show Percent.
Reset Short Sell Locations button - for non-cleared customers or customers who can clear-away only. By default, TWS remembers how many shares you located when doing a sell short order. Clicking this button clears out that memory.
Disable auto-expand editor for orders with Presets - if checked, orders that generally invoke the inline order editor that displays when you create an order (for example, algo orders) will not display IF an order preset is assigned. Only check this if you will not want to edit these orders on a per-order basis.
Auto adjust algo times - If checked, algos that are submitted at the close or use an invalid start or end time will be automatically adjusted to use the valid trading date. This setting could be useful for VWAP orders entered when the markets are closed.
Use multi-level structure in Order Destination field - if checked, the display of order destinations in the Destination field will use collapsible categories with sub-entries.
Set order ref for attached hedging order same as the parent order - if checked, child orders will be assigned the same order reference number as the parent order. If unchecked, the child order reference will show a message that includes the parent ID.
Completed Orders Settings
Auto-remove orders - this feature is checked by default. When unchecked, executed and cancelled orders remain on the both the trading and the pending pages.
Reuse rejected order - if checked, rejected orders will remain on the trading page.
Leave filled orders on the screen for - lets you increase or decrease the number of seconds before filled orders are deleted from the Trading window.
Leave cancelled orders on the screen for- lets you increase or decrease the number of seconds before cancelled orders are deleted from the Trading window.
Use auto-logoff time instead of midnight when downloading completed orders - if checked, TWS will download orders from the time of the last auto-logoff. Otherwise completed orders from midnight to the current time are downloaded.