In addition to letting you manually set the dividend schedule, the Dividend Schedule Navigator also provides an automatic "best guess" dividend payment schedule based on historical data for that asset.
To open the Dividend Schedule Navigator
From the top-level Edit menu, select Dividend Schedule.
There are two dividend, Dividend (Auto) and Dividend (Manual). The Auto column displays the "best guess" dividend payment schedule based on historical data. The Manual column shows the same values (rather than an empty column), but the value is editable.
To edit dividends
Select the Manual radio button to make the manual column editable.
Double-click a dividend in the Manual column and enter a new value.
Click Apply to save your changes.
To change the number of dividends displayed, right-click in the table and select Add new to create a blank editable row at the top of the table, or Remove Selected to delete the selected row.
To globally apply an offset value or percent to all manual entries, enter an offset amount in the Dividend Offset field, and select the Percent or Absolute value radio button.
The option model is calculated using the dividend schedule you specify by selecting the Auto or Manual radio buttons.