The Account window lets you monitor every aspect of your account activity. We present "key" account values as the default when you first open the Account window (this default view is shown in the illustration below). The account window conveys in real-time values the funds you have available for additional trades and current margin projections.
The Account screen is divided into the following sections:
Balances, which shows your account balances for securities, commodities and in total. These balances don't include margin requirements.
Margin Requirements, which shows your current initial and maintenance margin requirements based on your current positions. Customers under the Reg T margin model can compare their current margin to current projected requirements under the Portfolio Margin model by clicking the Try PM icon.
Available for Trading, which tells you what you have for additional trades and cushion before liquidation, based on your balance information and margin requirements.
FX Portfolio - Virtual FX Position, which shows activity for currency pair trades only. The value in the Position field only reflects trades executed in the FX market. Please note that these may not reflect real-time FX positions, since non-base currency conversions may also be included.
Portfolio, which lists all current positions sorted by underlying, and displays the total current market value for each position.
To open the Account window
On the main trading Toolbar, click the Account icon, or from the Account menu select AccountWindow.
Advisors and other multi-client account holders will see a drop-down selection on the Account and Summary tabs to select either an individual account or an account group.
On the Account page, elect to display account information for All accounts, any individual account including the Master, or a user-defined Account Group, which includes a subset of accounts (in the image above, Group 1 is a user-defined account groups).
On the Summary page, choose to view the account summary for All accounts, or for any Account Group.
Advisors can also print the summary page by selecting Print Summary from the File menu.