Become a IB Asset Management client

Smart Beta Portfolios combine the benefits of actively managed fund stock selection techniques with passive ETF low cost automation to provide broad market exposure and potentially higher returns. IB Asset Management also offers portfolios managed by third-party advisors, focusing on a variety of investment strategies.

To become a IB Asset Management client, you’ll need both a IB Asset Management account and a brokerage account with our affiliated broker-dealer, Interactive Brokers (IB). We’ve streamlined the procedure to help you open both accounts through a single application process. Follow the instructions that apply to you to start investing in IB Asset Management portfolios.

Do you need to open an Interactive Brokers account?

You will only be able to partition an existing IB brokerage account that you trade yourself.

If your existing IB brokerage account is managed by an investment advisor, you will need to either (a) ask your advisor to partition the brokerage account for you (in which case you may owe fees to both IB Asset Management and your advisor for your IB Asset Management investments) or (b) open a new IB brokerage account for purposes of investing with IB Asset Management.

If you (a) already have an IB brokerage account you trade yourself or (b) choose to have your advisor partition your account, please follow the instructions on the left side of the screen.

If you wish to open a new account, please follow the instructions on the right side of the screen.

No, I already have an IB account I can use

Go to IB Asset Management’s website at, and then click the green Sign up button to create a username and password to log in.

You’ll use these credentials to log into your IB Asset Management account.

Indicate that you are an IB client by selecting Yes when asked if you already have an Interactive Brokers account.

Review legal documents and disclosures, and sign electronically.

Click the Partition your account button to sub-divide your IB account so that a portion is available to invest with IB Asset Management.

Fund your IB Asset Management partition from the Funding menu.

Once the transfer is complete and your IB Asset Management partition is funded, you can start investing in IB Asset Management portfolios.

Yes, I need to open an IB account

Go to IB Asset Management’s website at, and then click the green Sign up button to create a username and password to log in.

You’ll use these credentials to log into your IB Asset Management account.

Complete the IB Asset Management application by answering questions and providing funding details.

When the application is complete and your IB Asset Management account has been created, we’ll send you an email with instructions and login credentials for completing the IB brokerage account application. You must use the link provided in the email to ensure that your IB account is correctly linked your IB Asset Management account.

Log into IB Account Management to complete the IB brokerage account application.

Fund your account to start investing in IB Asset Management portfolios.

You can log into IB Account Management anytime to view account statements, and make deposits and withdrawals from your IB account.

Invest in IB Asset Management portfolios using IB Asset Management's account dashboard.

  1. Log into your IB Asset Management account with the username and password you created in your application.
  2. Answer IB Asset Management's risk questionnaire to set your risk score, view portfolios suitable for your risk profile, and/or click to invest in your portfolio(s) of choice.