PortfolioAnalyst lets you analyze the performance of your IB account, and view your
balances, returns, positions and trades in external financial institution accounts.
Analyze Performance
- Daily, monthly or quarterly time periods
- Time-Weighted Return (TWR) or Money-Weighted Return (MWR) performance measures
- Risk measures at a glance
- Performance comparison to global industry benchmarks or your own custom benchmarks
View External Financial Institutions
- Current and prior balances, return percentage, and percent change in value for checking, savings, annuity, incentive plan and credit card accounts
- Drill down to view asset classes, positions and trades
- Individual or consolidated views
Performance Attribution Report
- Shows how asset allocation and securities selection affect your portfolio's
performance when compared to the performance of the S&P 500 Index
- View data for all open or closed symbols grouped by asset class
- View the contribution of each asset class and sector to your portfolio's return
- Heat maps show the contribution to return of each symbol and sector in your portfolio