Orders are routed by IBKR directly to one or more execution venues, including multiple exchanges, dark pools, and IBKR’s own alternative trading system (ATS).
IBKR BestX's suite of choices offers clients a powerful solution for helping to achieve best execution and price improvement across their trading activities by combining (depending on the product being traded) the IBUSOPT destination, the IBKR ATS, advanced order types, and IB SmartRoutingSM.
For US listed equity options and certain index options, the IBUSOPT destination is designed to offer clients the opportunity to interact with IB SmartRouted marketable order flow and have their orders filled in between the National Best Bid/Offer (NBBO). Clients can buy between the bid and the midpoint or sell between the offer and the midpoint without revealing their trading interests to the market or being subject to adverse selection by market-moving orders (as they would be if their order were displayed on an exchange).
For US listed stocks and ETFs, the IBKR ATS allows clients to choose to interact solely with IB SmartRouted order flow and access order flows that may not be available at exchanges. This helps to provide price improvement (by resting passive orders rather than crossing the spread) on large volume and block orders while minimizing market impact.
IB SmartRoutingSM helps support best execution by continuously searching for the best available prices for stocks, options, and combinations across exchanges and dark pools. This technology dynamically re-routes all or part of clients' orders to achieve immediate electronic execution, while factoring in transaction costs, fees, rebates, and other factors that impact trade execution.
Both IBUSOPT and IBKR ATS offer Pegged-to-Midpoint and Pegged-to-Best order types, and the IBKR ATS also offers a Reroute to SMART order type.
Le trading électronique d'actions, d'options, de contrats à terme, de devises, de participations étrangères, et de produits à revenu fixe présente un risque élevé de perte. Le trading d'options ne convient pas à tous les investisseurs. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez vous référer au document « Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options ».
Vous exposez votre capital à un risque de pertes dont le montant peut être supérieur à celui initialement investi.
Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited est autorisée et régulée par la Financial Conduct Authority. Numéro de référence FCA 208159.
Interactive Brokers LLC est régulée par la US SEC et la CFTC. Interactive Brokers LLC est membre du système de compensation de la SIPC ( ;
les produits ne sont couverts par la UK FSCS que dans certaines circonstances précises.
Avant de commencer à trader, les clients doivent prendre connaissance de nos avertissements sur les risques encourus, sur notre page Avertissements et déclarations
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