Stress Test Report for UXXXXXX

Positions including activity up to the end of business on 20170731

  • The Net Liquidating Value (NLV), Profit and Loss (PNL) and Exposure numbers are shown in USD (the base currency of the account). The analysis of Foreign Exchange risk is performed by varying the exchange rate between each currency and USD. As such NLV, PNL and Exposure in this section are shown in USD.
  • The following report shows the change in value of your positions under the assumption that the underlying price of each of your positions declines by 10%, 20%, and 30% and independently increases by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 60%. These results are based on theoretical pricing models and do not take into account coincidental changes in volatility (except for Equity) or other variables that affect derivative prices.
  • For Equity category PNL, it assumes coordinated volatility change for each price change scenario using the following grid: -30% price is coordinated with +300% volatility, -20% price with +200% volatility, -10% price with +100% volatility, +10% price with -10% volatility, +20% price with -20% volatility, and +30% price with -30% volatility. Equity Volatility category PNL is considered together with Equity category PNL for the purpose of calculating coordinated Equity exposure. For that purpose Equity Volatility scenarios considered are respectively +300%, +200%, +100%, -10%, -20%, and -30%.
  • Certain positions are shown in this report but not valued under the stress scenarios of -30%, -20%, -10%, +10%, +20%, +30%, 40% and 60% changes in the underlying price. You must evaluate your own risk for these positions and include them in the totals provided.
  • Equity includes stock and its derivatives, equity index derivatives and mutual funds.
  • For additional information, see Help.

Account UXXXXXX has 33 equity segment position(s).

Total Net Liq on the close
Category USD Value USD Value
Equity 83,858.19 83,858.19
USD Cash 127.01 127.01
Total Net Liq 83,985.20 83,985.20

Volatility Coordinated
Category -30% -20% -10% +10% +20% +30%
PNL (USD) -62,083.58 -39,065.61 -17,792.66 10,583.65 18,824.47 26,558.95
PNL (USD) -62,083.58 -39,065.61 -17,792.66 10,583.65 18,824.47 26,558.95
Exposure* (USD)
Exposure* (USD)

  • Exposure in a specific scenario is defined as the amount of money your portfolio will lose in that scenario in excess of the portfolio's net liquidating value on the close of the report date. Please navigate through scenarios by clicking on the appropriate radio button.
  • N/A - value in this scenario is not calculated.

Equity positions with price -30% and volatility +300%
Equity positions with price -20% and volatility +200%
Equity positions with price -10% and volatility +100%
Equity positions with price +10% and volatility -10%
Equity positions with price +20% and volatility -20%
Equity positions with price +30% and volatility -30%
Qty Und. Type Last Trd. Day Strike Right Symb Listing Exchange Multi. Price Curr. Exch. Rate USD Value USD Value PNL in USD PNL in USD
Close -30%Close-30%-30%
1 ACN OPT 20180119 70 C ACN CBOE+ 100 58.985074 22.441132 58.985074 33.586660 58.985074 46.119346 58.985074 71.864447 58.985074 84.743834 58.985074 97.623221 USD 5,898.51 5,898.51 2,244.11 2,244.11 -3,654.39 -3,654.39 5,898.51 5,898.51 3,358.67 3,358.67 -2,539.84 -2,539.84 5,898.51 5,898.51 4,611.93 4,611.93 -1,286.57 -1,286.57 5,898.51 5,898.51 7,186.44 7,186.44 1,287.94 1,287.94 5,898.51 5,898.51 8,474.38 8,474.38 2,575.88 2,575.88 5,898.51 5,898.51 9,762.32 9,762.32 3,863.81 3,863.81
-1 ACN OPT 20180119 115 C ACN CBOE+ 100 15.598129 1.618969 15.598129 3.746336 15.598129 7.980098 15.598129 27.201060 15.598129 39.880933 15.598129 52.746475 USD -1,559.81 -1,559.81 -161.90 -161.90 1,397.92 1,397.92 -1,559.81 -1,559.81 -374.63 -374.63 1,185.18 1,185.18 -1,559.81 -1,559.81 -798.01 -798.01 761.80 761.80 -1,559.81 -1,559.81 -2,720.11 -2,720.11 -1,160.29 -1,160.29 -1,559.81 -1,559.81 -3,988.09 -3,988.09 -2,428.28 -2,428.28 -1,559.81 -1,559.81 -5,274.65 -5,274.65 -3,714.83 -3,714.83
-3 BRK B OPT 20170915 175 C BRKB CBOE+ 100 3.211833 0.000894 3.211833 0.014859 3.211833 0.228191 3.211833 17.756507 3.211833 35.222990 3.211833 52.719593 USD -963.55 -963.55 -0.27 -0.27 963.28 963.28 -963.55 -963.55 -4.46 -4.46 959.09 959.09 -963.55 -963.55 -68.46 -68.46 895.09 895.09 -963.55 -963.55 -5,326.95 -5,326.95 -4,363.40 -4,363.40 -963.55 -963.55 -10,566.90 -10,566.90 -9,603.35 -9,603.35 -963.55 -963.55 -15,815.88 -15,815.88 -14,852.33 -14,852.33
3 BRK B OPT 20180119 140 C BRKB CBOE+ 100 36.466732 6.132876 36.466732 12.274769 36.466732 22.314031 36.466732 53.414290 36.466732 70.805679 36.466732 88.287461 USD 10,940.02 10,940.02 1,839.86 1,839.86 -9,100.16 -9,100.16 10,940.02 10,940.02 3,682.43 3,682.43 -7,257.59 -7,257.59 10,940.02 10,940.02 6,694.21 6,694.21 -4,245.81 -4,245.81 10,940.02 10,940.02 16,024.29 16,024.29 5,084.27 5,084.27 10,940.02 10,940.02 21,241.70 21,241.70 10,301.68 10,301.68 10,940.02 10,940.02 26,486.24 26,486.24 15,546.22 15,546.22
-3 BRK B OPT 20180119 140 P BRKB CBOE+ 100 0.669106 22.945795 0.669106 11.526966 0.669106 4.027084 0.669106 0.119159 0.669106 0.014917 0.669106 0.001424 USD -200.73 -200.73 -6,883.74 -6,883.74 -6,683.01 -6,683.01 -200.73 -200.73 -3,458.09 -3,458.09 -3,257.36 -3,257.36 -200.73 -200.73 -1,208.13 -1,208.13 -1,007.39 -1,007.39 -200.73 -200.73 -35.75 -35.75 164.98 164.98 -200.73 -200.73 -4.48 -4.48 196.26 196.26 -200.73 -200.73 -0.43 -0.43 200.30 200.30
35 COHR STK COHR NASDAQ 265.000000 185.500000 265.000000 212.000000 265.000000 238.500000 265.000000 291.500000 265.000000 318.000000 265.000000 344.500000 USD 9,275.00 9,275.00 6,492.50 6,492.50 -2,782.50 -2,782.50 9,275.00 9,275.00 7,420.00 7,420.00 -1,855.00 -1,855.00 9,275.00 9,275.00 8,347.50 8,347.50 -927.50 -927.50 9,275.00 9,275.00 10,202.50 10,202.50 927.50 927.50 9,275.00 9,275.00 11,130.00 11,130.00 1,855.00 1,855.00 9,275.00 9,275.00 12,057.50 12,057.50 2,782.50 2,782.50
1 DIS OPT 20180119 80 C DIS CBOE+ 100 30.392324 6.957428 30.392324 12.469733 30.392324 20.390222 30.392324 41.294082 30.392324 52.275464 30.392324 63.267141 USD 3,039.23 3,039.23 695.74 695.74 -2,343.49 -2,343.49 3,039.23 3,039.23 1,246.97 1,246.97 -1,792.26 -1,792.26 3,039.23 3,039.23 2,039.02 2,039.02 -1,000.21 -1,000.21 3,039.23 3,039.23 4,129.41 4,129.41 1,090.18 1,090.18 3,039.23 3,039.23 5,227.55 5,227.55 2,188.31 2,188.31 3,039.23 3,039.23 6,326.71 6,326.71 3,287.48 3,287.48
-260 FAZ STK FAZTR ARCA 15.890000 30.191001 15.890000 25.424001 15.890000 20.657000 15.890000 11.123000 15.890000 6.356000 15.890000 1.589000 USD -4,131.40 -4,131.40 -7,849.66 -7,849.66 -3,718.26 -3,718.26 -4,131.40 -4,131.40 -6,610.24 -6,610.24 -2,478.84 -2,478.84 -4,131.40 -4,131.40 -5,370.82 -5,370.82 -1,239.42 -1,239.42 -4,131.40 -4,131.40 -2,891.98 -2,891.98 1,239.42 1,239.42 -4,131.40 -4,131.40 -1,652.56 -1,652.56 2,478.84 2,478.84 -4,131.40 -4,131.40 -413.14 -413.14 3,718.26 3,718.26
140 FB STK FB NASDAQ 169.250000 118.475000 169.250000 135.400000 169.250000 152.325000 169.250000 186.175000 169.250000 203.100000 169.250000 220.025000 USD 23,695.00 23,695.00 16,586.50 16,586.50 -7,108.50 -7,108.50 23,695.00 23,695.00 18,956.00 18,956.00 -4,739.00 -4,739.00 23,695.00 23,695.00 21,325.50 21,325.50 -2,369.50 -2,369.50 23,695.00 23,695.00 26,064.50 26,064.50 2,369.50 2,369.50 23,695.00 23,695.00 28,434.00 28,434.00 4,739.00 4,739.00 23,695.00 23,695.00 30,803.50 30,803.50 7,108.50 7,108.50
-2 GNTX OPT 20171215 17.5 P GNTX CBOE+ 100 1.363559 5.747520 1.363559 4.174348 1.363559 2.686217 1.363559 0.618545 1.363559 0.230597 1.363559 0.069543 USD -272.71 -272.71 -1,149.50 -1,149.50 -876.79 -876.79 -272.71 -272.71 -834.87 -834.87 -562.16 -562.16 -272.71 -272.71 -537.24 -537.24 -264.53 -264.53 -272.71 -272.71 -123.71 -123.71 149.00 149.00 -272.71 -272.71 -46.12 -46.12 226.59 226.59 -272.71 -272.71 -13.91 -13.91 258.80 258.80
10 GOOG STK GOOG NASDAQ 930.500000 651.350000 930.500000 744.400000 930.500000 837.450000 930.500000 1,023.550000 930.500000 1,116.600000 930.500000 1,209.650000 USD 9,305.00 9,305.00 6,513.50 6,513.50 -2,791.50 -2,791.50 9,305.00 9,305.00 7,444.00 7,444.00 -1,861.00 -1,861.00 9,305.00 9,305.00 8,374.50 8,374.50 -930.50 -930.50 9,305.00 9,305.00 10,235.50 10,235.50 930.50 930.50 9,305.00 9,305.00 11,166.00 11,166.00 1,861.00 1,861.00 9,305.00 9,305.00 12,096.50 12,096.50 2,791.50 2,791.50
5 GOOGL STK GOOGL NASDAQ 945.500000 661.850000 945.500000 756.400000 945.500000 850.950000 945.500000 1,040.050000 945.500000 1,134.600000 945.500000 1,229.150000 USD 4,727.50 4,727.50 3,309.25 3,309.25 -1,418.25 -1,418.25 4,727.50 4,727.50 3,782.00 3,782.00 -945.50 -945.50 4,727.50 4,727.50 4,254.75 4,254.75 -472.75 -472.75 4,727.50 4,727.50 5,200.25 5,200.25 472.75 472.75 4,727.50 4,727.50 5,673.00 5,673.00 945.50 945.50 4,727.50 4,727.50 6,145.75 6,145.75 1,418.25 1,418.25
-125 GPRO STK GPRO NASDAQ 8.240000 5.768000 8.240000 6.592000 8.240000 7.416000 8.240000 9.064000 8.240000 9.888000 8.240000 10.712000 USD -1,030.00 -1,030.00 -721.00 -721.00 309.00 309.00 -1,030.00 -1,030.00 -824.00 -824.00 206.00 206.00 -1,030.00 -1,030.00 -927.00 -927.00 103.00 103.00 -1,030.00 -1,030.00 -1,133.00 -1,133.00 -103.00 -103.00 -1,030.00 -1,030.00 -1,236.00 -1,236.00 -206.00 -206.00 -1,030.00 -1,030.00 -1,339.00 -1,339.00 -309.00 -309.00
1 HD OPT 20180119 80 C HD CBOE+ 100 69.676597 27.787021 69.676597 40.291910 69.676597 54.723609 69.676597 84.636481 69.676597 99.596365 69.676597 114.556249 USD 6,967.66 6,967.66 2,778.70 2,778.70 -4,188.96 -4,188.96 6,967.66 6,967.66 4,029.19 4,029.19 -2,938.47 -2,938.47 6,967.66 6,967.66 5,472.36 5,472.36 -1,495.30 -1,495.30 6,967.66 6,967.66 8,463.65 8,463.65 1,495.99 1,495.99 6,967.66 6,967.66 9,959.64 9,959.64 2,991.98 2,991.98 6,967.66 6,967.66 11,455.62 11,455.62 4,487.97 4,487.97
-1 HD OPT 20180119 140 C HD CBOE+ 100 12.834683 0.966892 12.834683 2.552805 12.834683 5.984451 12.834683 25.112336 12.834683 39.661772 12.834683 54.614569 USD -1,283.47 -1,283.47 -96.69 -96.69 1,186.78 1,186.78 -1,283.47 -1,283.47 -255.28 -255.28 1,028.19 1,028.19 -1,283.47 -1,283.47 -598.45 -598.45 685.02 685.02 -1,283.47 -1,283.47 -2,511.23 -2,511.23 -1,227.77 -1,227.77 -1,283.47 -1,283.47 -3,966.18 -3,966.18 -2,682.71 -2,682.71 -1,283.47 -1,283.47 -5,461.46 -5,461.46 -4,177.99 -4,177.99
-1 MOMO OPT 20171020 35 P MOMO CBOE+ 100 1.127173 9.100654 1.127173 5.978217 1.127173 3.236634 1.127173 0.525216 1.127173 0.218055 1.127173 0.079403 USD -112.72 -112.72 -910.07 -910.07 -797.35 -797.35 -112.72 -112.72 -597.82 -597.82 -485.10 -485.10 -112.72 -112.72 -323.66 -323.66 -210.95 -210.95 -112.72 -112.72 -52.52 -52.52 60.20 60.20 -112.72 -112.72 -21.81 -21.81 90.91 90.91 -112.72 -112.72 -7.94 -7.94 104.78 104.78
-1 NFLX OPT 20180119 85 P NFLX CBOE+ 100 0.218928 8.093403 0.218928 3.808207 0.218928 1.270086 0.218928 0.085862 0.218928 0.029831 0.218928 0.010655 USD -21.89 -21.89 -809.34 -809.34 -787.45 -787.45 -21.89 -21.89 -380.82 -380.82 -358.93 -358.93 -21.89 -21.89 -127.01 -127.01 -105.12 -105.12 -21.89 -21.89 -8.59 -8.59 13.31 13.31 -21.89 -21.89 -2.98 -2.98 18.91 18.91 -21.89 -21.89 -1.07 -1.07 20.83 20.83
-1 NKE OPT 20171020 60 C NKE CBOE+ 100 1.769882 0.073433 1.769882 0.215052 1.769882 0.602809 1.769882 5.539190 1.769882 10.960437 1.769882 16.833344 USD -176.99 -176.99 -7.34 -7.34 169.64 169.64 -176.99 -176.99 -21.51 -21.51 155.48 155.48 -176.99 -176.99 -60.28 -60.28 116.71 116.71 -176.99 -176.99 -553.92 -553.92 -376.93 -376.93 -176.99 -176.99 -1,096.04 -1,096.04 -919.06 -919.06 -176.99 -176.99 -1,683.33 -1,683.33 -1,506.35 -1,506.35
1 NKE OPT 20180119 45 C NKE CBOE+ 100 14.310537 3.429977 14.310537 5.896527 14.310537 9.501153 14.310537 20.034269 14.310537 25.914760 14.310537 31.818808 USD 1,431.05 1,431.05 343.00 343.00 -1,088.06 -1,088.06 1,431.05 1,431.05 589.65 589.65 -841.40 -841.40 1,431.05 1,431.05 950.12 950.12 -480.94 -480.94 1,431.05 1,431.05 2,003.43 2,003.43 572.37 572.37 1,431.05 1,431.05 2,591.48 2,591.48 1,160.42 1,160.42 1,431.05 1,431.05 3,181.88 3,181.88 1,750.83 1,750.83
120 PAYC STK PAYC NYSE 70.089996 49.062997 70.089996 56.071997 70.089996 63.080997 70.089996 77.098996 70.089996 84.107996 70.089996 91.116995 USD 8,410.80 8,410.80 5,887.56 5,887.56 -2,523.24 -2,523.24 8,410.80 8,410.80 6,728.64 6,728.64 -1,682.16 -1,682.16 8,410.80 8,410.80 7,569.72 7,569.72 -841.08 -841.08 8,410.80 8,410.80 9,251.88 9,251.88 841.08 841.08 8,410.80 8,410.80 10,092.96 10,092.96 1,682.16 1,682.16 8,410.80 8,410.80 10,934.04 10,934.04 2,523.24 2,523.24
16 PJET STK PJET PINK 0.000500 0.000350 0.000500 0.000400 0.000500 0.000450 0.000500 0.000550 0.000500 0.000600 0.000500 0.000650 USD 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00
-10 QQQ OPT 20180119 115 P QQQ CBOE+ 100 0.862516 20.154215 0.862516 10.749837 0.862516 4.173101 0.862516 0.193992 0.862516 0.033818 0.862516 0.004541 USD -862.52 -862.52 -20,154.22 -20,154.22 -19,291.70 -19,291.70 -862.52 -862.52 -10,749.84 -10,749.84 -9,887.32 -9,887.32 -862.52 -862.52 -4,173.10 -4,173.10 -3,310.58 -3,310.58 -862.52 -862.52 -193.99 -193.99 668.52 668.52 -862.52 -862.52 -33.82 -33.82 828.70 828.70 -862.52 -862.52 -4.54 -4.54 857.97 857.97
5 QQQ OPT 20180119 125 P QQQ CBOE+ 100 1.729104 27.026266 1.729104 15.701144 1.729104 6.895391 1.729104 0.387187 1.729104 0.064859 1.729104 0.007599 USD 864.55 864.55 13,513.13 13,513.13 12,648.58 12,648.58 864.55 864.55 7,850.57 7,850.57 6,986.02 6,986.02 864.55 864.55 3,447.70 3,447.70 2,583.14 2,583.14 864.55 864.55 193.59 193.59 -670.96 -670.96 864.55 864.55 32.43 32.43 -832.12 -832.12 864.55 864.55 3.80 3.80 -860.75 -860.75
-50 SHAK STK SHAK NYSE 33.009998 23.106999 33.009998 26.407999 33.009998 29.708998 33.009998 36.310998 33.009998 39.611998 33.009998 42.912998 USD -1,650.50 -1,650.50 -1,155.35 -1,155.35 495.15 495.15 -1,650.50 -1,650.50 -1,320.40 -1,320.40 330.10 330.10 -1,650.50 -1,650.50 -1,485.45 -1,485.45 165.05 165.05 -1,650.50 -1,650.50 -1,815.55 -1,815.55 -165.05 -165.05 -1,650.50 -1,650.50 -1,980.60 -1,980.60 -330.10 -330.10 -1,650.50 -1,650.50 -2,145.65 -2,145.65 -495.15 -495.15
-31 SRS STK SRSTR ARCA 30.730000 49.167999 30.730000 43.021999 30.730000 36.875999 30.730000 24.584000 30.730000 18.438000 30.730000 12.292000 USD -952.63 -952.63 -1,524.21 -1,524.21 -571.58 -571.58 -952.63 -952.63 -1,333.68 -1,333.68 -381.05 -381.05 -952.63 -952.63 -1,143.16 -1,143.16 -190.53 -190.53 -952.63 -952.63 -762.10 -762.10 190.53 190.53 -952.63 -952.63 -571.58 -571.58 381.05 381.05 -952.63 -952.63 -381.05 -381.05 571.58 571.58
-1 SWKS OPT 20171117 92.5 P SWKS CBOE+ 100 2.915624 23.590465 2.915624 15.400025 2.915624 8.269720 2.915624 1.111103 2.915624 0.352894 2.915624 0.088603 USD -291.56 -291.56 -2,359.05 -2,359.05 -2,067.48 -2,067.48 -291.56 -291.56 -1,540.00 -1,540.00 -1,248.44 -1,248.44 -291.56 -291.56 -826.97 -826.97 -535.41 -535.41 -291.56 -291.56 -111.11 -111.11 180.45 180.45 -291.56 -291.56 -35.29 -35.29 256.27 256.27 -291.56 -291.56 -8.86 -8.86 282.70 282.70
-1 SWKS OPT 20171117 95 C SWKS CBOE+ 100 13.250194 3.688294 13.250194 5.662147 13.250194 8.599022 13.250194 21.585532 13.250194 31.146868 13.250194 41.343704 USD -1,325.02 -1,325.02 -368.83 -368.83 956.19 956.19 -1,325.02 -1,325.02 -566.21 -566.21 758.80 758.80 -1,325.02 -1,325.02 -859.90 -859.90 465.12 465.12 -1,325.02 -1,325.02 -2,158.55 -2,158.55 -833.53 -833.53 -1,325.02 -1,325.02 -3,114.69 -3,114.69 -1,789.67 -1,789.67 -1,325.02 -1,325.02 -4,134.37 -4,134.37 -2,809.35 -2,809.35
100 VRSN STK VRSN NASDAQ 101.169998 70.818999 101.169998 80.935999 101.169998 91.052998 101.169998 111.286998 101.169998 121.403998 101.169998 131.520998 USD 10,117.00 10,117.00 7,081.90 7,081.90 -3,035.10 -3,035.10 10,117.00 10,117.00 8,093.60 8,093.60 -2,023.40 -2,023.40 10,117.00 10,117.00 9,105.30 9,105.30 -1,011.70 -1,011.70 10,117.00 10,117.00 11,128.70 11,128.70 1,011.70 1,011.70 10,117.00 10,117.00 12,140.40 12,140.40 2,023.40 2,023.40 10,117.00 10,117.00 13,152.10 13,152.10 3,035.10 3,035.10
-1 VRSN OPT 20180119 100 P VRSN CBOE+ 100 4.218292 29.280030 4.218292 19.666084 4.218292 10.978302 4.218292 1.241519 4.218292 0.250910 4.218292 0.034483 USD -421.83 -421.83 -2,928.00 -2,928.00 -2,506.17 -2,506.17 -421.83 -421.83 -1,966.61 -1,966.61 -1,544.78 -1,544.78 -421.83 -421.83 -1,097.83 -1,097.83 -676.00 -676.00 -421.83 -421.83 -124.15 -124.15 297.68 297.68 -421.83 -421.83 -25.09 -25.09 396.74 396.74 -421.83 -421.83 -3.45 -3.45 418.38 418.38
-1 VRSN OPT 20180119 105 C VRSN CBOE+ 100 3.382810 0.133644 3.382810 0.436480 3.382810 1.249980 3.382810 9.074659 3.382810 17.383281 3.382810 26.996812 USD -338.28 -338.28 -13.36 -13.36 324.92 324.92 -338.28 -338.28 -43.65 -43.65 294.63 294.63 -338.28 -338.28 -125.00 -125.00 213.28 213.28 -338.28 -338.28 -907.47 -907.47 -569.18 -569.18 -338.28 -338.28 -1,738.33 -1,738.33 -1,400.05 -1,400.05 -338.28 -338.28 -2,699.68 -2,699.68 -2,361.40 -2,361.40
-1 WFC OPT 20171020 55 C WFC CBOE+ 100 1.115627 0.014546 1.115627 0.063800 1.115627 0.266681 1.115627 4.449646 1.115627 9.729459 1.115627 15.123459 USD -111.56 -111.56 -1.45 -1.45 110.11 110.11 -111.56 -111.56 -6.38 -6.38 105.18 105.18 -111.56 -111.56 -26.67 -26.67 84.89 84.89 -111.56 -111.56 -444.96 -444.96 -333.40 -333.40 -111.56 -111.56 -972.95 -972.95 -861.38 -861.38 -111.56 -111.56 -1,512.35 -1,512.35 -1,400.78 -1,400.78
1 WFC OPT 20180119 40 C WFC CBOE+ 100 13.939999 3.496554 13.939999 5.884604 13.939999 9.299180 13.939999 19.333998 13.939999 24.727998 13.939999 30.121998 USD 1,394.00 1,394.00 349.66 349.66 -1,044.34 -1,044.34 1,394.00 1,394.00 588.46 588.46 -805.54 -805.54 1,394.00 1,394.00 929.92 929.92 -464.08 -464.08 1,394.00 1,394.00 1,933.40 1,933.40 539.40 539.40 1,394.00 1,394.00 2,472.80 2,472.80 1,078.80 1,078.80 1,394.00 1,394.00 3,012.20 3,012.20 1,618.20 1,618.20
1 WMT OPT 20180119 45 C WMT CBOE+ 100 35.000315 12.331613 35.000315 19.108959 35.000315 27.001378 35.000315 42.999253 35.000315 50.998191 35.000315 58.997128 USD 3,500.03 3,500.03 1,233.16 1,233.16 -2,266.87 -2,266.87 3,500.03 3,500.03 1,910.90 1,910.90 -1,589.14 -1,589.14 3,500.03 3,500.03 2,700.14 2,700.14 -799.89 -799.89 3,500.03 3,500.03 4,299.93 4,299.93 799.89 799.89 3,500.03 3,500.03 5,099.82 5,099.82 1,599.79 1,599.79 3,500.03 3,500.03 5,899.71 5,899.71 2,399.68 2,399.68
Total Value for Equity in USD: Total Value for Equity in USD: 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 83,858.19 21,774.60 21,774.60 -62,083.58 -62,083.58 44,792.60 44,792.60 -39,065.61 -39,065.61 66,065.54 66,065.54 -17,792.66 -17,792.66 94,441.84 94,441.84 10,583.65 10,583.65 102,682.66 102,682.66 18,824.47 18,824.47 110,417.12 110,417.12 26,558.95 26,558.95

Equity Single Stock Underlying Exposure
Symbol Listing Exchange Price Change Scenario PNL (USD) Exposure (USD)
SWKS NASDAQ +30% -2,539.04 0.00
SHAK NYSE +30% -495.15 0.00