Mutual Funds Marketplace


The Mutual Fund Marketplace:
More Funds = More Opportunities

IBKR Advantage

  • 48,000+ Funds available to residents worldwide
  • 19,000+ Funds with no transaction fees
  • Other funds available at low commissions and no custody fees
  • IBKR is neutral – no proprietary funds
  • Free Mutual Fund Search tool to help you find the right funds
  • Rated Best Online Broker for Mutual Funds by Benzinga
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No Custody Fees and Low, Transparent Commissions on Mutual Funds

Inside the US: The lesser of USD 14.95 or 3% of trade value

Outside the US: EUR 4.95 or currency equivalent

Capital Group
Mutual fund search computer

48,000+ Mutual Funds from over 550 fund families

IBKR has one of the largest Mutual Fund Marketplaces, with funds from Allianz, American Funds, BlackRock, Fidelity, Franklin Templeton, Invesco, MFS, PIMCO, Vanguard and many others. In addition, the Marketplace is neutral – there is no conflict of interest as we don’t offer proprietary funds.

  • 48,000+ funds from over 550 fund families
  • 19,000+ with no transaction fees
  • Available to residents worldwide
Mutual fund search computer
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Free Mutual Fund Search Tool

Use our Mutual Fund Inventory Search Tool to identify funds by country of your residence, commission charged, fund type or fund family.

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Mutual Funds are investments that pool the funds of investors to purchase a range of securities to meet specified objectives, such as growth, income or both. Investors are reminded to consider the various objectives, fees, and other risks associated with investing in Mutual Funds. Please read the prospectus accordingly. This communication is not to be construed as a recommendation, solicitation or promotion of any specific fund, or family of funds. Interactive Brokers may receive compensation from fund companies in connection with purchases and holdings of mutual fund shares. Such compensation is paid out of the funds’ assets. However, IBKR does not solicit you to invest in specific funds and does not recommend specific funds or any other products to you. For additional information please view our Mutual Fund Product Listings.

Il rischio di perdite derivanti dalla negoziazione online di azioni, opzioni, future, valute, azioni estere e obbligazioni può essere significativo. La negoziazione di opzioni non è adatta a tutti gli investitori. Consulta l'informativa "Characteristics & Risks of Standardized Options" per saperne di più.

Il tuo capitale è a rischio e l'entità delle perdite può superare quella dell'investimento originario.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla Financial Conduct Authority. Numero di registrazione presso la FCA: 208159.

I criptoasset non sono strumenti finanziari regolati nel Regno Unito. Interactive Brokers (U.K) Limited ("IBUK") è registrata presso la Financial Conduct Authority in qualità di società offre criptoasset ai sensi delle norme del 2017 note con il nome di Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations.

Interactive Brokers LLC è una società regolamentata negli Stati Uniti dalla SEC e dalla CFTC e aderisce al sistema di indennizzo gestito dalla SIPC (
I prodotti sono coperti dal sistema di indennizzo previsto nel Regno Unito dalla FSCS solamente in misura limitata.

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