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Use the Report Selector

The Report Selector is your starting point for navigating your risk summary. Selections change based on the product tab you have selected. Construct custom reports that slice and display various angles of your exposure and other risk metrics.

The IB Risk Navigator includes your current position data when it opens, which it then uses in both the P&L graph and report calculations. Any positions that cannot be resolved (for any reason) are shown in the Position(s) not included list in the Report Selector area. If the position is highlighted in yellow, its data is not included in the calculations for the P&L graph; if the position is highlighted in peach, its data is not included in the report calculations; if it's pink, its data is excluded from both the graph and the report calculations. This box will not appear if ALL positions can be included unless you elect to display it manually, using the checkbox on the View menu.

To define your report

1.   From the Report drop down list, choose a report to reflect the perspective from which you'd like to assess your risk.

2.   In the Plot list, choose to show:

  • Equity Portfolio Value Change - Illustrates how the total value of your portfolio or subportfolio will change based on a percent change in the price of the underlying(s).
  • Equity Portfolio Value - Plots your portfolio/subportfolio P&L, but also includes the market value for those positions in your portfolio for which the price/risk cannot be calculated (opaque positions).
  • Equity Unrealized P&L - Plots the unrealized P&L for your portfolio or subportfolio.
  • Equity Delta Position - Shows the exposure at the "All Underlying" level, and the position delta for a single underlying.

3.   In the Underlying list, choose whether to display report data for all underlyings or only for a specific underlying and its derivatives.

4.   In the Currency dropdown, select All to include all currencies in your report, or select a single currency.

5.   For reports that support it, IF you have specified a single underlying in the Underlying field above, you can select one or All positions on the underlying to include in the report.

6.   In the Last Trading Day list:

  • Choose TOTAL to display the Total row in the matrix, and show the P&L plot using the total of all positions.
  • Choose ALL to expand the matrix to show each row, and to show individual P&L lines for each Last Trading Day in the P&L plot. The color key on the right side of the chart identifies the line for each month.
  • Choose Spot to filter out the options. Select a single Last Trading Day to chart the P&L for all options with that date.
  • Choose multiple LTD selection to create multiple P&L charts with one contract plotted in each chart.

7.   Use the Date scenario to plot line for multiple dates. Note that the colored legend along the bottom of the P&L graph corresponds to the lines in the graph AND to the date(s) selected in the Date scenario.

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