Última versión de IB Gateway


Esta versión de la plataforma IB Gateway solo está disponible desde un ordenador de escritorio.

Haga clic en el botón siguiente si desea obtener más información sobre nuestras soluciones de negociación móvil.

Más información

IB Gateway Installation Instructions

Click the "Run" button to start the download.

Use the Setup Wizard to complete the installation.
When the installation is complete, an API icon is installed on your desktop.

IB Gateway Installation Instructions

Click your Downloads folder to see the list of available files, and double-click the ibg-.dmg file to open it.
If the Downloads folder is not in your dock, you may locate it under Macintosh HD > Users > yourusername > Downloads

Double-click the Trader Workstation icon to initiate installation.

Click “Open” to confirm and start the installation.
A proprietary Java Runtime Environment is included with this package and may take a minute to install – please wait!
The Setup Wizard will display when the installation is complete.

Use the Setup Wizard to complete the installation. When the installation is complete, an API icon is installed on your desktop.
You can also launch the IB Gateway software from the Trader Workstation folder located under Macintosh HD > Users > yourusername > Applications > Trader Workstation.

IB Gateway Installation Instructions

These instructions may vary slightly based on your personal settings.

Step 1

Click the button to download the Latest version of the IB Gateway.

TWS Install for Linux Screen

a.) Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T on most distributions).

b.) Navigate to the directory where the installer was downloaded and confirm it is installed:

$ cd ~/Downloads

$ ls -l

c.) Make the installer executable by typing: "chmod u+x" before the filename and confirm:

$ chmod u+x ibgateway-latest-standalone-linux-x64.sh

$ ls -l

d.) Run the installer to start the wizard by typing "./" before the file name:

$ ./ibgateway-latest-standalone-linux-x64.sh

Step 2

Use the wizard to install Standalone TWS

TWS Install for Linux Screen

Click the "Next" button on the Setup Wizard to extract files.

TWS Install for Linux Screen
TWS Install for Linux Screen

Check the "Run IB Gateway" checkbox and click the "Finish" button to launch the IB Gateway and log in now.

TWS Install for Linux Screen

A new IB Gateway icon is now on your desktop. Going forward to login to the IB Gateway, double-click the icon and enter your username and password.

IB Gateway Installation Instructions

These instructions may vary slightly based on your personal settings.

Step 1

Click the button to download the Latest version of the IB Gateway.

TWS Install for Linux Screen

a.) Open Terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T on most distributions).

b.) Navigate to the directory where the installer was downloaded and confirm it is installed:

$ cd ~/Downloads

$ ls -l

c.) Make the installer executable by typing: "chmod u+x" before the filename and confirm:

$ chmod u+x ibgateway-latest-standalone-linux-x86.sh

$ ls -l

d.) Run the installer to start the wizard by typing "./" before the file name:

$ ./ibgateway-latest-standalone-linux-x86.sh

Step 2

Use the wizard to install Standalone TWS

TWS Install for Linux Screen

Click the "Next" button on the Setup Wizard to extract files.

TWS Install for Linux Screen
TWS Install for Linux Screen

Check the "Run IB Gateway" checkbox and click the "Finish" button to launch the IB Gateway and log in now.

TWS Install for Linux Screen

A new IB Gateway icon is now on your desktop. Going forward to login to the IB Gateway, double-click the icon and enter your username and password.

IB Gateway Installation Instructions

Click the "Run" button to start the download.

Use the Setup Wizard to complete the installation.
When the installation is complete, an API icon is installed on your desktop.

La negociación en línea de acciones, opciones, futuros, divisas, acciones extranjeras y renta fija conlleva un riesgo de pérdida considerable de capital. Las opciones no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Consulte el documento "Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options" (Características y riesgos de opciones estandarizadas) para obtener más información.

Está arriesgando su capital y sus pérdidas pueden exceder el valor de su inversión original.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited está autorizada y regulada por el organismo regulador del mercado de valores, Financial Conduct Authority. Número de referencia de FCA 208159.

Los criptoactivos no están regulados en el Reino Unido. Interactive Brokers (U.K) Limited (" IBUK") está registrada ante la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera como empresa de criptoactivos en virtud de la normativa de 2017 sobre blanqueo de capitales, financiación del terrorismo y transferencia de fondos (información sobre el ordenante).

Interactive Brokers LLC está regulada por la SEC y la CFTC de EE. UU., y es miembro del programa de compensación de la SIPC (www.sipc.org);
los productos solo están cubiertos por la FSCS del Reino Unido en circunstancias limitadas.

Los clientes han de leer las declaraciones relevantes sobre el riesgo en nuestra página Advertencias y avisos legales antes de realizar cualquier operación.

Si desea obtener la lista de miembros de IBG a nivel mundial, consulte nuestros listados de intercambio.