
Moduli e Informative


Risk Disclosures

After-Hours Trading Risk Disclosure Download
CFTC Risk Disclosure Statement – Appendix A to Rule 1.55 Download
CFTC Risk Disclosure Statement – Rule 1.55(b) Download
Certain U.S. Options Disclosures Download
Customer Consent to Receive Mutual Fund Information Electronically Download
Day Trading Risk Disclosure Statement Download
Disclosure Concerning Auto Trading Service Providers Link
Disclosure of Risks of Margin Trading Download
Disclosure of Risks of Trading Cryptocurrency Futures And Options Download
Disclosure Regarding IB's Business Continuity Plan Download
Disclosure Regarding IB's Procedures for Allocating Equity Option Exercise Notices Download
Disclosure Regarding Interactive Brokers Pre-Borrow Program Download
Disclosure Regarding Trading of Certificates of Deposit Download
Disclosure Regarding Use of the Impact Dashboard and Impact App Download
Euronext LIFFE Risk Disclosure Download
FINRA Investor Protection Information Resources Link
FINRA/NFA Standardized Risk Disclosure Statement for Security Futures Contracts Download
Stock Stop Order Disclosure Download
How Your Assets Are Protected Download
IBUK Direct Client Indirect Clearing Disclosure Document Download
IBUK Clearing Member Indirect Clearing Disclosure Document Download
Important Characteristics and Risks of Participating in Interactive Brokers LLC's Fully-Paid Securities Lending Program Download
Interactive Brokers LLC Firm Specific Disclosure Document pursuant to CFTC Rule 1.55(k) and NFA Rule 2-36(n) Download
Interactive Brokers LLC General Disclosure on Mutual Funds Download
Interactive Brokers Negative Contract Prices Risk Disclosure Download
Interactive Brokers Disclosure Regarding the IMPACT Application's and IMPACT Dashboard's Carbon Credit Offset Feature Download
Interactive Brokers Risk Disclosure for Bond Trading Download
MIFIDPRU Disclosures Download
Municipal Risk Disclosure Download
Notice Regarding Malaysian Transactions and Trade Orders Involving Specified Persons Download
OCC Risk Disclosure Download
Penny Stock Trading Risk Disclosure Download
People's Republic of China Resident PIPL Acknowledgement Download
Portfolio Margin Risk Disclosure Statement Download
EMIR Pricing Disclosure Download
Risk Disclosure and Supplemental Agreement for Security Futures Trading at Interactive Brokers Download
Risk Disclosure Regarding Leverage and Inverse Funds and Volatility-Linked Products Download
Risk Disclosure Statement For Forex and Multi-Currency Accounts Download
Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading CFDs and Foreign Currencies with Interactive Brokers (U.K.) for Professional Clients Download
Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading CFDs and Foreign Currencies with Interactive Brokers (U.K.) for Retail Clients Download
Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading OTC Metal Futures with Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited ("IBUK") Download
Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading OTC Precious Metals with IBUK Download
Shortened (T+1) Settlement for Stock Purchases Link
Singapore Risk Disclosure Download
UK Tax Strategy Download

Regulatory Notices

CFTC Rule 15.05 Notice to Non-U.S. Traders Download
Electronic Commerce Directive Notice for Dutch Clients Download
FINRA Rule 4340- Callable Securities Download
Futures on Virtual Currencies Including Bitcoin Download
Notice Regarding NFA's BASIC System Download
Notice Regarding Pre-Arranged Trading On U.S. Futures Exchanges Download
Notice Regarding USA PATRIOT Act Section 311 Download
Understand the Risks of Virtual Currency Trading Download

Il rischio di perdite derivanti dalla negoziazione online di azioni, opzioni, future, valute, azioni estere e obbligazioni può essere significativo. La negoziazione di opzioni non è adatta a tutti gli investitori. Consulta l'informativa "Characteristics & Risks of Standardized Options" per saperne di più.

Il tuo capitale è a rischio e l'entità delle perdite può superare quella dell'investimento originario.

Interactive Brokers (U.K.) Limited è autorizzata e regolamentata dalla Financial Conduct Authority. Numero di registrazione presso la FCA: 208159.

I criptoasset non sono strumenti finanziari regolati nel Regno Unito. Interactive Brokers (U.K) Limited ("IBUK") è registrata presso la Financial Conduct Authority in qualità di società offre criptoasset ai sensi delle norme del 2017 note con il nome di Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations.

Interactive Brokers LLC è una società regolamentata negli Stati Uniti dalla SEC e dalla CFTC e aderisce al sistema di indennizzo gestito dalla SIPC (
I prodotti sono coperti dal sistema di indennizzo previsto nel Regno Unito dalla FSCS solamente in misura limitata.

Prima di intraprendere attività di negoziazione i clienti sono tenuti a prendere visione delle rilevanti informative sui rischi di cui alla pagina Avvisi e informative.

Per una lista delle istituzioni alle quali IBG partecipa in tutto il mondo, consulta l'elenco delle nostre borse.